Motivation Risotto

Motivation, much like a well-balanced dish, relies on the right blend of ingredients. The CAMP model—Competency, Autonomy, Meaningfulness, and Progress—is your recipe to keep your team energized and engaged. Missing even one component is like forgetting salt in a soup—it just doesn’t work. Let’s break it down.


  • 2 cups of Competency-building activities (education, experience, mentorship, social learning)

  • 2 cups of Autonomy (decision-making ability, incremental authority, responsibility, individuality)

  • 2 cups Meaningful work assignments (mission, vision, values and community based)

  • 4 ounces Progress markers (small wins, development plan and praise)


C: Competency (The Base Flavor): Employees thrive when they feel smart, capable, and equipped to handle their roles. Your team members need opportunities to build their confidence. Leadership Tip: Add competency by providing training, conference trips, or mentoring. These “ingredients” help your team feel prepared to tackle any challenge.

A: Autonomy (The Spice of Independence): Autonomy adds flavor by empowering employees to make decisions and take ownership of their work. Your team members need trust and freedom to thrive. Leadership Tip: Sprinkle autonomy by offering hybrid work options, delegating meaningful tasks, or allowing flexible schedules. This independence energizes and motivates.

M: Meaningfulness (The Heart of the Dish): Employees need to feel that their work matters. When they see the big picture—how their efforts contribute to the organization and the world—they feel a deeper connection. Leadership Tip: Stir in meaningfulness by hosting mission-focused retreats or encouraging nonprofit involvement.

P: Progress (The Finishing Touch): Progress is the garnish that keeps your team coming back for more. Whether it’s small wins like running a meeting or big milestones like a promotion, progress energizes people.

PREPARE TIME: Weekly touchpoints

COOK TIME: A month for visible results

SERVE TIME: Teams at any stage of development


Enjoy all the leadership recipes in this free e-book:


Conflict Resolution Lasagna


Trust Broth