
Really Setting and Accomplishing Goals for the Next Year and Decade with a One Page Strategy

Really Setting and Accomplishing Goals for the Next Year and Decade with a One Page Strategy

The One Page Strategy (OPS) has helped me put all my strategic and yearly plans and goals all on one sheet.  The idea is that by putting it on one sheet you can look at it throughout the year to make progress on those goals. 

Not only are all your goals and projects on one sheet, it also holds you accountable as you look at it from time to time throughout the year to measure your effectiveness in achieving your goals.

I’m losing focus on my goals a quarter of the way through the year! How do I get it back?

I’m losing focus on my goals a quarter of the way through the year! How do I get it back?

Right around this time of year, I find that my immune system just gives out.  I had tried my hardest, forced as much sun-soaked vitamin D in our northeast summers, popped the multitude of good-for-you vitamins, washed my hands every time I could, alas I tend to get a cold during March or April.  I think this New England body just runs out of reserves.

Equally, it can seem that way at work, at the gym, working on projects.  We enter the new year with such gusto, however when we get past the first quarter of the year, the tyranny of the urgent can take our eyes off of the goal. We lose focus.

Forget the New 2019 Leadership Fad and Try These 13 Back-To-Basics Disciplines To Be A Great Leader

Forget the New 2019 Leadership Fad and Try These 13 Back-To-Basics Disciplines To Be A Great Leader

As I continue to travel around and see various businesses and organizations trying to get the edge on their competition or the market, I’m still astonished at the lack of basics from our leaders.  Don’t get me wrong, the basics are hard.  And, sometimes they’re not hot or new. And, so they are rarely discussed (even though some of them have been around for years) and barely used. However, they are time-tested and worth consideration. Forget the the 2019 leadership buzzwords and try some of these concepts as you develop your leadership.