
Building a Long-Lasting, Great Company By Answering These Fundamental Questions

Building a Long-Lasting, Great Company By Answering These Fundamental Questions

Thesis: If you don't know who you are, where you're going (or want to take other people like your customers) or why you're doing this (the business), no amount of marketing in the world will help you create a great, lasting company, product or service. The story you share with your customers and could-be customers has to be true, authentic, passionate and align with your internal self (as a business).

Preparing for Strategic Planning Season After A Pandemic

Preparing for Strategic Planning Season After A Pandemic

August is a time when a board or organization should start to look at their strategic plan and decide whether they need to update it or create a new one. One such organization did reach out, having not a lot of other options, and decided to work with me on their strategic plan. Here’s what we did in 30 days…