
A Leadership Recipe for the Holidays

A Leadership Recipe for the Holidays

Good food is all about timing, intention, and a willingness to experiment. Leadership is no different. So, this holiday, let’s take a detour from boring leadership jargon and straight into the heart of the kitchen—a place where raw ingredients transform into something magic. Great leadership, like great food, can feed the soul. Here are the essential ingredients for the perfect leadership dish.

Putting Values Into Action: The Cornerstone of Leadership

Putting Values Into Action: The Cornerstone of Leadership

When teaching or coaching emerging leaders, one topic I push hard on is values. Values refer to the fundamental beliefs and guiding principles that define what an individual, organization, or community stands for. These principles act as a moral and operational compass, influencing behavior, decision-making, and culture.  They are part of the magic three: mission, vision and values.

Building a Long-Lasting, Great Company By Answering These Fundamental Questions

Building a Long-Lasting, Great Company By Answering These Fundamental Questions

Thesis: If you don't know who you are, where you're going (or want to take other people like your customers) or why you're doing this (the business), no amount of marketing in the world will help you create a great, lasting company, product or service. The story you share with your customers and could-be customers has to be true, authentic, passionate and align with your internal self (as a business).

5 Ways To Bring Your Organization’s Values To Life Every Day

5 Ways To Bring Your Organization’s Values To Life Every Day

Perhaps contrary to popular opinion, defining and exercising your organizational values is one of the most powerful tools you have at your disposal as a leader of your organization. Workplace values set the tone for your chamber or association’s culture, and they identify what your organization, as a whole, cares about.