
The 4 Things You Need To Be a Great Remote Leader

The 4 Things You Need To Be a Great Remote Leader

When it comes to remote work or some variation of it (hybrid work), the only negotiable is the speed at which we are willing to change our workplaces, not the change itself. Hopefully these 4 elements will give you a head start in adapting your workplace. Don’t wait to go completely remote, these tools work well with traditional workplaces too!

Study Finds People Get Promoted Most In The Summer. How To Get Your Boss To Notice You.

Study Finds People Get Promoted Most In The Summer. How To Get Your Boss To Notice You.

In a Wall Street Journal Career Strategies article, Most Promotions Take Place in January, Study Finds, depending on the industry, a study finds June, July, and September are also popular months for job advancement. This is a great window of time to build on your strengths, neutralize your weaknesses, and demonstrate why your boss should take notice. Here are a couple of maverick thoughts of our own with ways to become indispensable this summer.