Millennials with Matt

Millennials with Matt Episode 8: The Right and Wrong Way To Empower Millennials

Millennials with Matt Episode 8: The Right and Wrong Way To Empower Millennials

So often we move right to empowerment of employees, when we really be thinking about how do we carefully hand over duties and responsibilities at a healthy rate (much like handing over the keys to a new driver). Matt Harrington, generations specialist, talks in this video about the right and wrong way to empower the Millennial generation

Millennials with Matt Episode 7: Being the Right Cultural Fit for Millennials

Millennials with Matt Episode 7: Being the Right Cultural Fit for Millennials

The workplace is needing to reimagine their organizational culture as the Millennial generation come with different expectations, approaches and lifestyles then previous generations.  Learn from generations specialist Matt Harrington about 3 areas to focus on when looking for the right cultural fit for your Millennial workers.

Millennials with Matt Episode 6: 9 Things That Drive Millennials Away from Organizations

Millennials with Matt Episode 6: 9 Things That Drive Millennials Away from Organizations

Generations specialist Matt Harrington brings us another quick video on the 9 things that organizations do that drive Millennials to find other places to work. For more information on this and other generations content visit

Millennials with Matt Episode 5: Why Millennials Are Vital To Your Workplace!

Millennials with Matt Episode 5: Why Millennials Are Vital To Your Workplace!

Generational specialist Matt Harrington discusses key reasons why the Millennial generation (1980-2001) are necessary and vital to our current workplace including the ability to handle a VUCA world, demanding a more nimble and agile organization and their ability to be social sharers of your company.

Millennials with Matt Episode 4: Becoming an 'Adaptive Coach' Through Situational Leadership

Millennials with Matt Episode 4: Becoming an 'Adaptive Coach' Through Situational Leadership

What does it take as a manager to start to create a healthy and vibrant relationship with your younger workers?  Generational expert Matt Harrington talks about becoming the 'Adaptive Coach' and utilizing Blanchard's Situational Leadership model to understand how every employee evolves.

Millennials with Matt Episode 3: Growing Millennials' Careers With a Leadership Lattice

Millennials with Matt Episode 3: Growing Millennials' Careers With a Leadership Lattice

A leadership lattice, unlike a leadership ladder, looks to expand a young professional's leadership capability by using a cross-section of many leadership opportunities both in and outside of work. Millennial expert Matt Harrington talks about how a good coach or manager is constantly building a leadership lattice with their Millennial workers to provide maximum retention and growth potential.

Millennials with Matt Episode 1: What Makes a Generation a Generation

Millennials with Matt Episode 1: What Makes a Generation a Generation

In this episode generations expert Matt Harrington takes a look at what makes a generation an actual generation.  When we talk generations in the workplace or in our personal life we often look at the age or the two points in time the group of people were born into.  Instead we should be looking at what took place during that generation, especially in their formative years, that now defines their outlook on the world and the way they think others should act.  There are also other tips and tactics in the episode discussed when talking about generations.  Enjoy!