Weekly Posts and Insights

Creating Helpfulness In Community by LEADing
People, Culture, Leadership Matthew Harrington People, Culture, Leadership Matthew Harrington

Creating Helpfulness In Community by LEADing

When we are called to provide hope, humanity, humility and helpfulness through LEADing. We must first Look around and pay attention finding moments and opportunities to empathize. Empathize by perspective taking, being non judgemental, recognizing emotion, communicating and practicing mindfulness. Acknowledge the truth of the current situation. Decide what actions need to be taken (if any).

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Fostering Humanity in Community Leadership
People, Culture, Leadership Matthew Harrington People, Culture, Leadership Matthew Harrington

Fostering Humanity in Community Leadership

As communities (both at work and in life) grapple with shifting values and ethics, steering away from a shared sense of humanity, the perilous path of individualism and vested interests looms. This phenomenon of individualism finds its roots in a focus on personal feelings and self-actualization, championed by great minds like Emerson and Thoreau. However, I would argue that in order to find ourselves, we have lost each other. The antidote to strict individualism lies in the love of humanity, a force that transcends self-interest and places communal well-being at its core.

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